Shake It Off

wednesdays with wayne Feb 27, 2024

What happened? It’s the end of February and the plans/goals/resolutions you made just seven or eight weeks ago have started to lose their strength in the way you’re living your year. Yes, you might be on track with one of them. Good going! 


And the others?


You’re proving to yourself that you’re just not trustworthy (harsh, I know). Think about it. How convicted are you about any of the things you said that you wanted to accomplish? 


I used to lie to myself all the time, too. I can do this, and by a month from now, I’ll have done that. And… and… and….


And when it didn’t all come together, I’d vacillate between flogging myself for not being good enough and forgiving myself because it was a lot to take on anyway and I was just being unrealistic.


I don’t do that anymore. 

I’m careful about my commitments to myself and others.


I’ve had people invite me to join groups, both online and in person, and my response has been that I would find doing so a distraction. That’s so important to know. What’s going to propel you forward and what might be interesting but isn’t exactly the right path right now?


This blog’s title is “shake it off.” So, what does that mean in this context?

Let go of the self-flagellation. Let go of the excuses. Shake those off and get down to what you can do to prove to yourself that what you’re focused on matters.


It’s funny. I’m not immune.


As I write this, some text messages popped up on screen. I allowed myself the distraction. I excused myself from the text by indicating that I needed to return to writing. And then, I set my computer to “focus” mode.  


Who is in control of my calendar? I am.

Who is in control of my forward momentum? I am.


Whether it’s family, friends, or other “opportunities,” most likely they can wait for an hour or two while you keep your focus and your promise to yourself. If it doesn’t fit, whether it’s something vying for your attention or some feeling you’re dealing with, shake it off.


The world needs your focused attention. Be mindful. Be IN it. And… keep making your magic.


See you here next week.


= Wayne =

Build your confidence, your future, and a plan to get to your exponential level up at my small group mastermind. The Exponential Success Summit runs as a small group to intensify the focus that you get and give. All of that is to train your mind how to think in terms of Exponential Success. Reach out to me if you’re interested. Space is super limited, and I’ll be closing the doors on this in a couple of weeks. 

(April 12th and 13th in Nashville. October 17th – 19th in Lisbon, Portugal. Want in? Reach out!)


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